Marine Biogeography and

Center for Marine Sciences, Faro, University of Algarve, Portugal
Extra readings
Watling Les, Guinotte J., Clark M.R., & Smith C.R. (2013) A proposed biogeography of the deep ocean floor. Progress In Oceanography, 111, 91–112.
Silva, G., Horne, J. B., & Castilho, R. (2014). Anchovies go north and west without losing diversity: post-glacial range expansions in a small pelagic fish. Journal of Biogeography, 41(6), 1171–1182. doi:10.1111/jbi.12275
Whittaker R.J., Araujo M.B., Jepson P., Ladle R.J., Watson J.E.M., & Willis K.J. (2005) Conservation Biogeography: assessment and prospect. Diversity and Distributions, 11, 3–23.
Thiel M. & Haye P.A. (2006) The ecology of rafting in the marine environment. III. Biogeographical and evolutionary consequences. Oceanography and marine Biology: an annual review, 323–429.
T01 - Course outline, research overview
T02 - Sardines as a show case
T03 - Historical biogeography
T04 - Ecological biogeography
T10 - Coral reef fish evolution
T05 - Tectonics & paleoclimate
T06 - Biogeographic responses to glaciations
T07 - Phylogeography
T08 - Island biogeography
T09 - Mediterranean case studies