R2C2 Publications

Silva G, Cunha RL,  Ramos AA and Castilho R (2017) Wandering behaviour prevents inter and intra oceanic speciation in a coastal pelagic fish. Scientific Reports. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-02945-0


Castilho R, Cunha RL, Faria C, Velasco E, Robalo, JI. Isolation-by-distance and asymmetrical dispersal of an intertidal blenniid across the Atlantic-Mediterranean divide. PeerJ (in revision).

Cunha RL, Patrão C and Castilho R. Cryptic diversity and uneven species richness in Iberian endemic terrestrial slugs. Scientific Reports (in revision).

Madeira PM, Chefaoui RM, Cunha RL, Moreira F, Dias S, Calado G and Castilho R. High-unexpected genetic diversity of a narrow endemic terrestrial mollusc. PeerJ (accepted).

Cunha RL, Assis JM, Madeira C, Seabra, R, Lima FP, Lopes EP, Williams ST and Castilho R (2017). Drivers of Cape Verde archipelagic endemism in keyhole limpets. Scientific Reports. 7, 41817 (IF - 5.228). doi:10.1038/srep41817.


Castilho R and Silva G (2016). The European anchovy, a genetically highly diverse species displays null within-sample haplotype diversity on a single study? Mitochondrial DNA.


Junker M, Zimmermann M, Ramos AA, Gros P, Konvicka M, Nève G, Rákosy L, Tammaru T, Castilho R* and Schmitt T* (2015). Three in one – multiple faunal elements within an endangered European butterfly species.  PLoS ONE 10(11): e0142282. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0142282. (* last joint authors).


Stefanni S, Castilho R, Sala-Bozano M, Robalo J,  Francisco S, Santos R, Marques N, Brito A, Almada V and Mariani S (2015). Establishment of a coastal fish in the Azores: recent colonisation or sudden expansion of an ancient relict population?. Heredity 1–11.  doi: 10.1038/hdy.2015.55.

(IF2013– 3.41; Ranking - Ecology – 28/141, Q1; Evolutionary Biology – 15/46, Q2; Genetics and Heredity – 46/165)


Patrão C, Assis J, Rufino M, Silva G, Jordaens K, Backeljau T, Castilho R (2015). Habitat suitability modelling of four terrestrial slug species in the Iberian Peninsula (Gastropoda, Pulmonata: Geomalacus sp.). Journal of Molluscan Studies. Journal of Molluscan Studies. doi: 19.1093/mollus/evy018.

(IF2013– 1.495; Ranking - Marine & Freshwater Biology – 48/103, Q2).


Lourenço CR, Nicastro KR, Serrão E A, Castilho R, & Zardi, GI (2015). Behind the mask: cryptic genetic diversity of Mytilus galloprovincialis along southern European and northern African shores. Journal of Molluscan Studies, 1–8. doi:10.1093/mollus/eyv004

(IF2013 1.495; Ranking: Marine & freshwater biology – 48/103; Zoology - 44/153, Q2).


Cunha RL, Lima FP, Tenorio MJ, Ramos AA, Castilho R, Williams ST (2014) Evolution at a different pace: distinctive phylogenetic patterns of cone snails from two ancient oceanic archipelagos. Systematic Biology 63(6):971–987.

doi: 10.1093/sysbio/syu059

(IF2013 – 11.532; Ranking: 3/46, Q1)


Silva G, Lima FL, Martel P, Castilho R (2014) Thermal adaptation and clinal mtDNA variation of European anchovy. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, accepted.

(IF2012 – 5.683; Ranking: 8/83 - Biology; 13/136 - Ecology, 7/47 - Ecology, Q1)


Silva G, Horne JB, Castilho R (2014) Anchovies go north and west without losing diversity: post-glacial range expansions in a small pelagic fish. Journal of Biogeography, 41, 1171–1182. doi: 10.1111/jbi.12275

(IF2012 – 4.863; Ranking: 2/45 - Geography/Physical; 18/136 - Ecology, Q1)


Cunha RL, Nicastro KN, Costa J, McQuaid, CD, Serrão EA, Zardi GI (2014) Wider sampling reveals a non-sister relationship forbgeographically contiguous lineages of a marine mussel. Ecology and Evolution doi: 10.1002/ece3.1033.


Teixeira S, Olu K, Decker C, Cunha RL, Hourdez S, Serrão EA and Arnaud-Haond S (2013) High connectivity across fragmented chemosynthetic ecosystems of the deep Atlantic Equatorial Belt: efficient dispersal mechanisms or questionable endemism? Molecular Ecology doi: 10.1111/mec.12419.


Prévot V, Jordaens K, Van Houtte N, Sonnet G, Janssens K, Castilho R, Backeljau T. (2013) Taxonomic and population genetic re-interpretation of two color morphs of the decollate snail, Rumina decollata (Mollusca, Pulmonata) in southern France. Genetica, 141, 281–292.

(IF2010– 2.358; Ranking - Evolutionary Biology – 88/156, Q3).


Robalo JI, Crespo AM, Castilho R, Francisco S, Amorin MC, Almada V. (2013) Are local extinctions and recolonizations continuing at the colder limits of marine fish distributions? Halobatrachus didactylus (Bloch & Schneider, 1801), a possible candidate. Marine Biology, 160, 2461–2467.

(IF2010–2.011; Ranking - Marine & freshwater biology – 12/45, Q1)


Castilho R, Grant WS, Almada VM (2013) Biogeography and phylogeography of the Atlantic. Frontiers of Biogeography, 5. (Guest editorial)


Cunha RL, Coscia I, Madeira C, Mariani S, Stefanni S, Castilho R (2012) Ancient divergence in the trans-oceanic deep-sea shark Centroscymnus crepidater. PLoS ONE 7:e49196. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0049196.t003


Almada VC, Almada F, Francisco SM, Castilho R, Robalo JI (2012) Unexpected high genetic diversity at the extreme Northern geographic limit of Taurulus bubalis (Euphrasen, 1786). PLoS One 7, e44404.



Correia AT, Ramos AA, Barros F, Silva G, Hamer P, Morais P, Cunha RL, Castilho R (2012) Population structure and connectivity of the European conger eel (Conger conger)  across the Northeastern-Atlantic and Western-Mediterranean: integrating molecular and otolith elemental approaches. Marine Biology, 159: 1509–1525.

(IF2010–2.011; Ranking - Marine & freshwater biology – 12/45, Q1)


Decker C, Olu K, Cunha RL, Arnaud-Haond S (2012) Phylogeny and diversification patterns among vesicomyid bivalves. PLoS one 7(4): e33359. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0033359.

(IF2011 - 4.411)


González EG, Cunha  RL, Sevilla  RG, Ghanavi HR, Krey G, and Bautista JM (2011) Evolutionary history of the genus Trisopterus. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 62:1013-1018.

(IF2010–3.889; Ranking - Evolutionary Biology – 12/45, Q2)


Robalo JI, Castilho R, Francisco SM, Almada F, Knutsen H, Jorde PE, Pereira AM, Almada VC. (2011). Northern refugia and recent expansion in the North Sea: the case of the wrasse Symphodus melops (Linnaeus, 1758). Ecology and Evolution. doi:10.1002/ece3.77


Reis DM, Cunha RL, Patrão C, Rebelo R, Castilho R. (2011) Salamandra salamandra (Amphibia: Caudata: Salamandridae) in Portugal: not all black and yellow. 139:1095-1105

(IF2010– 2.358; Ranking - Evolutionary Biology – 88/156, Q3).


Cunha RL, Verdú JR, Lobo, Zardoya, R. (2011) Ancient origin of endemic earth-boring dung beetles (Geotrupidae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 59: 578-586.

(IF2010–3.889; Ranking - Evolutionary Biology – 12/45, Q2).


Cunha RL, Lopes EP, Reis DM, Castilho R (2011) Genetic structure of Brachidontes puniceus populations in Cape Verde archipelago shows signature of expansion during the last glacial maximum. Journal of Molluscan Studies 77: 175-181.

(IF2010–0.969; Ranking - Marine & freshwater biology – 60/93, Q3).


Aires T, Marbà N, Cunha RL, Kendrick GA, Walker DI, Serrão EA, Duarte CM, Arnaud-Haond S (2011) Evolutionary history of the seagrass genus Posidonia. Marine Ecology-Progress Series, 421: 117-130.

(IF2010–2.483; Ranking - Marine & freshwater biology – 13/93, Q1).


Cunha RL, Blanc F, Bonhomme F, Arnaud-Haond S (2011) Evolutionary Patterns in Pearl Oysters of the Genus Pinctada (Bivalvia: Pteriidae). Marine Biotechnology 13: 181-192.

(IF2010–2.962; Ranking - Marine & freshwater biology – 11/93, Q1).


Cunha RL, Grande C, Zardoya R (2009) Neogastropod phylogenetic relationships based on entire mitochondrial genomes. BMC Evolutionary Biology 9, 210.

(IF 4.294; Ranking - Evolutionary Biology – 11/45, Q1).


Robalo, JI, Sousa-Santos, C, Cabral, H, Castilho, R and Almada, VC (2009). Genetic evidence fails to discriminate between Macroramphosus gracilis Lowe, 1839 and M. scolopax Linnaeus, 1758 in Portuguese waters. Marine Biology,156 (8): 1733-1737.

(IF 1.999; Ranking - Marine & freshwater biology – 19/88, Q1).


Francisco SM, Castilho R, Soares M, Congiu L, Brito A, Vieira MN and Almada VC (2009). Phylogeography and demographic history of Atherina presbyter (Pisces: Atherinidae) in the North-eastern Atlantic based on mitochondrial DNA. Marine Biology,156: 1421–1432.

(IF 1.999; Ranking - Marine & freshwater biology – 19/88, Q1).


Maggs CA,  Castilho R, Foltz D, Henzler C, Jolly T, Kelly J, Olsen J, Perez KE, Stam W, Vainola R, Viard F and Wares J (2008).  Evaluating signatures of glacial refugia for North Atlantic Marine Organims. Ecology, 89 (sp11): S108-S122.

(IF 4.874; Ranking - Ecology – 11/124, Q1).


Francisco SM, Congiu L, Stefanni S, Castilho R, Brito A, Ivanova PP, Levy A, Cabral A, Kilias G and Almada VC (2008). Phylogenetic relationships of the North-eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean forms of Atherina (Pisces, Atherinidae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 48 (2): 782-788.

(IF 3.871; Ranking - Evolutionary Biology – 9/39, Q1).


Barata M, Harris DJ and Castilho R (2008) Variation within North African Natrix maura (Serpentes: Colubridae) inferred from mtDNA sequences: comparative phylogeography of Magrehbian reptiles. African Zoology.

(IF 0.437; Ranking - Zoology – 108/125, Q4).


Cunha RL, Tenório MJ, Afonso C, Castilho R, Zardoya R (2008). Replaying the tape: recurring biogeographical patterns in Cape Verde Conus after 12 million years. Molecular Ecology, 17 (3): 885-901.

(IF 5.325; Ranking – Ecology: 6/124, Q1; Evolutionary Biology: 5/39, Q1).

Patarnello T, Volckaert F and Castilho R (2007). Pillars of Hercules: Is the Atlantic-Mediterranean transition a phylogeographic break? Molecular Ecology, 16 (21): 4426-4444. Invited review.

(IF 5.169; Ranking - Evolutionary Biology – 5/35, Q1; Ecology - 6/116, Q1).


Castilho R, Freitas M, Silva G., Fernandez-Carvalho, J and Coelho R (2007). Morphological and mitochondrial DNA divergence validates blackmouth, Galeus melastomus, and Atlantic sawtail catsharks, Galeus atlanticus, as separate species. Journal of Fish Biology, 70, Suppl.C: 346-358.

(IF 1.404; Ranking – Fisheries - 15/40, Q2).


Magoulas A, Castilho R, Caetano S, Marcato S and Patarnello T (2006). Mitochondrial DNA reveals a mosaic pattern of phylogeographical structure in Atlantic and Mediterranean populations of anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 3: 734-746.

(IF 3.528; Ranking - Evolutionary Biology – 10/35, Q2; Genetics and Heredity - 46/131, Q2).


Martinez P, Gonzalez EG, Castilho R and Zardoya R (2006). Genetic diversity and historical demography of Atlantic bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 2: 404-416.

(IF 3.528; Ranking - Evolutionary Biology – 10/35, Q2; Genetics and Heredity - 46/131, Q2).


Fritz U, Barata M, Busack SD, Fritzsch G, Castilho R (2006). Impact of mountain chains, sea straits and peripheral populations on genetic and taxonomic structure of a freshwater turtle, Mauremys leprosa (Reptilia, Testudines, Geoemydidae).  Zoologica Scripta, 35 (1): 97-108.

(IF 2.338; Ranking - Zoology – 10/115, Q1).


Castilho R and Cyfti Y (2005). Genetic differentiation between close Eastern Mediterranean sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L.) populations. Journal of Fish Biology, 67: 1746-1752

(IF 1.188; Ranking - Fisheries – 15/41 Q2).


Cunha RL, Castilho, R Rüber, R and Zardoya, R (2005). Patterns of Cladogenesis in the Venomous Marine Gastropod Genus Conus from the Cape Verde Islands. Systematic Biology, 54(4):634–650. (IF – 10.523; Ranking - Evolutionary Biology – 2/33, Q1).


Zardoya R, Castilho R, Grande C, Favre-Krey L, Caetano,  Marcato S, Krey G and  Patarnello T (2004). Differential population structuring of two closely related fish species, the mackerel (Scomber scombrus) and the chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus) in the Mediterranean. Molecular Ecology,13: 1785-1798.

(IF 4.375; Ranking - Evolutionary Biology – 6/33, Q1; Ecology - 5/107, Q1).


Geenen S, Jordaens K, Castilho R & Backeljau T (2003). Congruence between starch gel and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in detecting allozyme variation in pulmonate land slugs. Electrophoresis, 24: 622-627.

(IF 4.040; Ranking – Biochemical Research Methods – 8/51, Q1; Chemistry Analytical – 2/67, Q1).


Ciftci Y, Castilho R and McAndrew BJ (2002). More polymorphic microsatellite markers in the European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L.). Molecular Ecology Notes, 2 (4): 575-576.

(IF 4.375; Ranking - Evolutionary Biology – 6/33, Q1).

Phillips A, Fonseca F, Povoa V, Castilho R and Nolasco G (2002). A reassessement of the anamorphic fungus Fusicoccum luteum and description of its teleomorph Botryosphaeria lutea sp. nov. Sydowia, 54 (1): 59-77.

(IF 0.500; Ranking - Mycology – 12/17, Q3).

Castilho R and McAndrew BJ (1998). Population structure of seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax L.) in Portugal: evidence from allozymes. Journal of Fish Biology, 53(5): 1038-1049. Journal of Fish Biology.

(IF 1.198; Ranking - Fisheries – 11/40, Q2).

Castilho R and McAndrew BJ (1998). Two polymorphic microsatellite markers in the European seabass Dicentrarchus labrax (L.). Animal genetics, 29:151-152.

(IF 3.101; Ranking -  Agriculture, Dairy and Animal Science – 1/41, Q1; Genetics and Heredity – 43/120, Q2).

Castilho R, Dinis MT  and Erzini K (1993). Age and growth of megrim, Lepidorhombus boscii, Risso of the portuguese continental coast. Fisheries research, 16: 339-346.

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